Mental Agility Test (MAT; D Munro, MR Bore & DA Powis) is designed to measure “fluid intelligence”, which is the ability to solve problems without relying on memory and facts learned in school. It contains questions similar to those found in many IQ tests, including verbal, numerical and spatial problem-solving questions. Click here for MAT example questions
Interpersonal Values Questionnaire (MR Bore) describes a number of situations where people have to decide what to do according to their opinions or values. Unlike the MAT, there are no right or wrong answers to the questions in this test. Rather, candidates are asked to choose the answer that most closely reflects their value system and what they believe is appropriate in each situation. Click here for Interpersonal Values example questions
Interpersonal Traits Questionnaire (D Munro) presents statements about people and lists the way individuals might think and behave in certain situations. Again, there are no right or wrong answers. Instead, candidates are asked to indicate how true or false each statement is about themselves. Click here for Interpersonal Traits example questions
Personal Characteristics Inventory (MR Bore, D Munro & DA Powis) asks respondents to rate themselves on statements designed to establish how honest they are about themselves and how truthful they are about their thoughts, feelings and attitudes. Click here for Personal Characteristics example questions

Assessment format, instructions and advice
PQA is available to appropriate personnel (researchers and administrators) associated with medical schools or other academic institutions either as a hard copy test, with questions printed in booklets, or in electronic form, where candidates complete the test under supervised conditions at a computer terminal.
Candidates' answers to the test questions are made either by filling in boxes in a paper response booklet using a pencil, or by pressing keys on a computer keyboard.
Candidates do not require any specific preparation or knowledge to undertake PQA. The questions do not test academic knowledge and do not require any special understanding of science. Furthermore, training and practice in the test items is neither necessary nor advantageous.
Full instructions are given with each test. The test does not start until all candidates are clear about what they are expected to do.
Please note that sample questions other than those shown on this website are NOT available.
Click here for further details about PQA and health professional selection. Alternatively, click here for details of how to contact the PQA team if you are a member of staff in a medical school or other academic institution interested in using the PQA in a selection procedure for health professionals.